How you can GET INVOLVED, donate, and help OUR Church
We want you to be involved. We are looking for people who want to share their talents and abilities. We pray regularly for God to send us people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves; to be part of creating a faith community that they would want to be a part of. If you are looking for a place to make a difference, we are that place.
That night Paul had a vision. In his dream he saw a man over in Macedonia, Greece, pleading with him, “Come over here and help us.”
Acts 16:9 The Living Bible
If you are musically inclined and would like a place to use those abilities to bring glory to God, we are looking for you. We are looking to use more of the arts to enrich our worship of God.
We need someone who is tech savvy and would like to put those talents to work, maybe even explore and experiment with ways to use tech to share the Good News.
ways you can donate
Join us on Sunday Mornings
or stop in and see us!
Gift your time to a special cause and be a part of our special events
Mail your contribution to:
1674 Eight Mile Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255